The Strategy to Play Poker's Suited Ace-King

 How to Play Poker with a Suited Ace-King

What does Ace-King suited mean?

Let's take a look at what having an ace-king in your hand actually means. It is a drawing hand, which allows the holder to drive the chasers away and leaves less opponents to deal with during the flop. Although it gives the player an edge at the preflop stage of the game, it can be quite tricky to play with. It is best to play post-flop. This hand is full potential. You can play it very aggressively in most of the normal spots.

How do you call, raise, bet or fold when you have an Ace-King suited pair of hands?

When dealt with an Ace-King suited hand, the winner is the one who drives the action. You can either ask for a raise or raise if you are in front of a raise. If your opponents have a 3-bet then place a 4-bet. You can assume you have a good shot by opting in for this strategy.

The more aggressive the players are and the smaller their stacks, the easier it can be to play the ace king combination. You can also use this time to limit the range of your opponent’s hand. If you're certain you are ahead, you can focus on building the pot. However, if you feel like you are losing ground, you should proceed cautiously.

The fact that an ace-king suit hand is used in pre-flop raises the bar for raising with them is completely circumstantial. It might be prudent for one to call if the pot has been raised before then. If you play against tight players, the raise may be three to fourfold the big blind. But if they are loose, you might consider a higher raise of up to eight times.

A passive approach with an ace king suited hand pre-flop is not advisable. Instead, you should limp over and use someone's post-flop raise. A more aggressive approach can help you get as much money into the pot early on, establish your opponent's range, and win the pot heads-up.

Post flop with Ace King suited hand

You can play this hand post-flop. However, you should not underestimate your chances of winning. You will need to be more skilled in playing the post-flop. Experience is the most important factor in winning any hand after flop. So be wary of those who are more experienced.

One can face two scenarios post-flop. The first is when all but 1 player has folded. You have to play against that player head on. The second option deals more with multi-way pots that are harder to handle.

If you are offered the option of the flop, it is a good idea to place a continuation bet (or c-bet) instead. You can bet on the flip to open the action. The defending player will have the chance to win the hand with a good combination draw. If you are able to connect (i.e., when the flop shows a top pair of cards or better), you have the option to play a variety of hands. You can give your opponents an opportunity to catch up so you can place a value bet at the turn of the river. There are many opportunities available and most of them work in your favor if you play the right way.

Do not proceed if you are up against multiple competitors. You should avoid placing continuation bets. You should avoid placing c-bets as you have a greater chance of losing your pot.

What happens when the pros play with the ace-king-suited hand?

Expert poker players don't resort to going all in. They prefer the "small balls" strategy, which involves controlling the pot size early in the hand in order to outplay other players later. Players play aggressively with ace-king hands when they are dealt in the middle and late stages. Preflop Big Slick Poker Strategy - How to Play Ace-King


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