Poker Room Veteran Shares Advice for Newbies

 Poker Room Veteran Shares Advice for Newbies

This is the time to sign up for a poker tournament. Golden Nugget will be hosting its Grand Poker Series May 28-Jul 8, 2019.

You might be unfamiliar with poker tournaments. This is why we asked Andy Rich, Director at Golden Nugget Las Vegas, for his advice.

Andy Rich has managed poker rooms for more then a dozen year and recommends the Grand Poker Series for new players to get started in poker tournaments. One of the key benefits is the low entry fee and potential for big wins.

Here are some tips from a veteran poker director and a color commentary for newbies.

Q: What is the best way to start a poker tournament for someone who's never played?

A: You might find it intimidating to play in a casino environment for the first time. You can play free poker tournaments online and get a feel for how other players bet. You should remember that everyone at your table is still a novice at this point.

[We also recommend that you watch televised tournaments of poker. One can gain valuable insights into tournament strategy because viewers can see the cards of the players.

Q: What is the best thing for a newbie to do at their first tournament.

A: It's boring. There are brief moments of terror. Then there is pure adrenaline. Texas Hold'em is known for its simplicity and ease of learning. It can also take many years to master.

[Fun fact] Mike Sexton, a professional player and commentator on poker, often quotes the quote "The name of Texas Hold'em is no-limit Texas Hold'em. It takes a minute learn but a lifetime master."

Q: What are some of your benefits when you enter a tournament at Golden Nugget.

A: Our highly-trained, friendly staff provides world-class service to players of all skill levels. People regularly take their first steps in a casino-run poker tournament. Golden Nugget's daily tournaments have very affordable buy ins. Players can win up to 10 times their buy-ins and boast about their accomplishments after just a few hours.

[It's also important to mention that it's the Golden Nugget in downtown Las Vegas. There are many great restaurants nearby, so it's worth checking out the Golden Nugget for a poker tournament. You can play poker here.

Q: What games do you recommend for first-timers who are new to the game?

A: Texas Hold'em has been the most played card room game. You have two options to play. You can play in a limit format. This is where the betting structure is set. Or you can play in the popular no limit format. It is my favorite form of poker. Limit is mostly math while no limit can be described as art. Majority of poker tournaments take place in the no limit format.

[Here's a fantastic overview of Texas Hold'em Poker.]

Q: What common mistakes are made by first-time competitors when competing?

A: While it may seem overwhelming, you can make your presence known by remembering to close your eyes and only acting when it is your turn. Protect your hand. This means that you should keep your cards right in front you until you are done. After you have the winning hand, make sure the dealer awards the pot to you before you give up your cards. Position and aggression are the best strategies.

[Let's translate! A "blind", or forced bet, is an unresolved wager. Everybody makes these contributions, clockwise, and takes turns. There is a "bigblind" and a"smallblind". A "button" marks who's turn it is for both the big and small blinds. Here's more. poker tournaments 10 things you should know


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