3 Tips to Overcome Bad Beats in Poker

 Here are 3 tips to overcome bad beats in poker

People often ask me how I can overcome bad beats in poker when they're frustrated by variance and down swings.

In this blog post, I will share my strategies, tips and insights to help you regain focus after bad beats.

Below are my top five strategies for overcoming bad beats in poker.

What works for me when it comes to how I overcome bad poker beats is to remember that poker is only a game.

In fact, when my set is overpair-ed by another player, I remember that I am one of the luckiest people on the planet.

I was born in this world, was raised in love, and was educated.

In the real world, I was dealt aces in life's game. You most likely live in the first universe, reading this from your $500 smartphone. The reality that half of the world lives on less that $2.50 a daily is beyond their control.

You could have done it. Then what? Imagine worrying about the bad beat at a table.

This alone outweighs any misfortunes poker could bestow upon me. I will never lose my poker game.

For this reason, my opponent takes my winnings and I count my blessings.

I am healthy.

I am fortunate to have a supportive and loving family.

I control my destiny.

I reside in America.

The list goes on.

I am back to feeling grateful, and not giving one iota because I took a bad beat at poker.

You can see this video about How to Overcome the Bad Beats in Poker for a more detailed look.

Bad Beat Tip #2. Understanding Bad Beats in Poker

Bad beats happen all the time, and are even normal at the poker table. Bad beats in poker are any times you place money when you're a big favorite to win the pot. Most people would consider it a bad beat if you go All-In with an overpair and lose.

You're not guaranteed to win the pot 100% of the time. The problem is in the expectation.

Most people believe that being a favorite makes them a winner. But the truth is, you'll lose more often than one out four times.

If you start to look at your chances of winning as a function of expectation, you quickly realize that these non-zero probabilities occur more often than we might think. These are actually expected to happen.

Mentally prepared for them. And, as a result, grateful when we win. We'll be more likely to manage a run of bad luck if we mentally prepare for it and manage our expectations.

Bad Beat Tip #3. Rethinking Your View on Bad Beats in Poker

We must accept that bad beats are part of poker and learn to overcome them.

Sounds crazy, right?

Hear me.

It would be very difficult to win the money with the best hands if we didn't get the chance to beat the house. You are likely a winning player who puts his money in with the best of him. This means you are a favorite to get a bad beat since you seldom get the money back!

Poker would not exist if it weren't for luck. If the best hand was always the winner, poker would be just like chess. Nobody would play for money as inferior players would never win. Luck is a cost of being a successful player. We have to accept this as part and parcel of the game.

Luck is what we pay to be a winner, and that's something we must accept as part the game. via @AlecTorelliClick Here To Tweet

Don't begrudge your luck when you make a mistake in poker. Change your perspective. Thanks to Luck, you have the opportunity to make some money.

To reframe how you approach things, repeat this mantra.

"I am thankful that luck exists because I wouldn't be able to make any money playing poker. I have had more luck than I can count in my life. Nothing at the poker table will change that. I'm thankful for XY and Z and feel very lucky to have them in my life.

Watch this video to see more amazing content about how to beat the system in poker


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